Explore this week’s Money Monday Funding Opportunities newsletter from the Chugachmiut Grant Department for September 9! Discover the latest grant opportunities available. If you find a grant you’d like to pursue, please get in touch with us at grants@chugachmiut.org or (907) 562-4155.
NOTE: Grants listed below are at least 6 weeks away from deadline to allow adequate time to prepare an application. If you see a grant you would like to pursue or want more information, email us at grants@chugachmiut.org.
Firewood Banks
Alliance for Green Heat
DUE DATE: open September 1, 2024; no due date announced
AWARDS: New Applicant Grant Form. Existing firewood banks that have not received funding previously through the AGH Firewood Bank Assistance Program up to $15,000 on a sliding scale
Start-up Grant Form. These grants are aimed at individuals or organizations that are launching new firewood banks in 2024-2025 and plan to deliver 5 cords of wood or more are eligible for grants up to $10,000. Documentation needed for the Start-up Grant application includes such things as:
- If you are an established non-profit, church, town or tribe, you just need a bank account and a UEI
- If you are applying as an individual, company, tree service, or firewood business we do require you to have a partnership agreement with an established non-profit, church, town, or tribal administration
- A mission statement that explains your motivation to start a firewood bank, how it expands on the heating needs in your community, and your ability to start a firewood bank
- A safety plan that can ensure the safety of your volunteers/workers
★ Large Firewood Banks (100+ cords): up to $10,000
Your firewood bank was funded in FY1 or FY2 (between January 2023 and May 2023 or September 2023 and March 2024) AND distributes 100+ cords.
★ Small/Medium Firewood Banks (15-99 cords): $2,500 to $7,500
Your firewood bank was funded in FY1 (between January 2023 and May 2023) AND distributes between 15-99 cords.
50-99 cords: up to $7,500; 49-25 cords: up to $5,000; 15-24 cords: up to $2,500
ELIGIBILITY: existing and new firewood banks
Eligible expenses include chain saws (electric or gas), splitters, tarps, moisture meters, conveyor belts, trailers, wheelbarrows, safety equipment, first aid kits, equipment repair, building materials for firewood sheds or tool sheds, educational materials/activities, sales tax, signage, travel, gas money, and miscellaneous supplies like small tools that cost less than $20.
An important document to review is our guidelines: click here for a list of the things we need firewood banks to agree to, in order to receive funding. https://www.firewoodbanks.org/applynow
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program
Department of Energy
DUE DATE: May 31, 2025
AWARDS: Formula grants (roughly $10,000). DOE is providing local and Tribal governments applying for an EECBG Formula Program award with the option to select a grant or voucher.; cost match is not required
ELIGIBILITY: States, local governments, and Indian Tribes. The list of eligible entities and funding allocations are attached to the ALRD and available on the EECBG Program website at: https://www.energy.gov/clean-energy- infrastructure/energy-efficiency-and-conservation-block-grant-program
The EECBG Program assists eligible states, units of local government, and Indian Tribes, as described below in implementing strategies to:
- Reduce fossil fuel emissions in a manner that is environmentally sustainable and, to the maximum extent practicable, maximizes benefits for local and regional communities;
- Reduce the total energy use of the eligible entities; and
- Improve energy efficiency in the transportation sector, the building sector, and other appropriate sectors.
- Build a clean and equitable energy economy that prioritizes disadvantaged communities and promotes equity and inclusion in workforce opportunities and deployment activities, consistent with the Justice40 Initiative Department of Energy.
FY25 Guidelines for Brownfield Assessment Grants (Community-Wide Assessment Grants) Environmental Protection Agency
DUE DATE: November 14, 2024
AWARDS: Ceiling: $500,000; cost share not required
ELIGIBILITY: Among many other government and quasi-governmental entities: Alaska Native Regional Corporation, Alaska Native Village Corporation, and Metlakatla Indian Community. (Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Alaska Native Village Corporations are defined in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 and following). For more information, please refer to the FY25 FAQs.)
- Nonprofit organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Community-wide Assessment Grants are for communities that are beginning to address their brownfield challenges, as well as for communities that have ongoing efforts to bring sites into productive reuse. This funding opportunity will provide funding for developing inventories of brownfield sites, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities, conducting planning, conducting site assessments, developing site-specific cleanup plans, and developing reuse plans related to brownfield sites. A portion of the assessment grant funding must be used to conduct site assessments. Link to NOFO: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/356303
FY25 Guidelines For Brownfield Assessment Grants (Community-Wide Assessment Grants For States And Tribes)
Environmental Protection Agency
DUE DATE: November 14, 2024
AWARDS: Ceiling: $2,000,000; cost share not required
ELIGIBILITY: Alaska Native Regional Corporation, Alaska Native Village Corporation, and Metlakatla Indian Community. (Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Alaska Native Village Corporations are defined in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 and following). For more information, please refer to the FY25 FAQs.)
This funding opportunity provides funding for States and Tribes to develop inventories of brownfield sites, prioritize sites, conduct community involvement activities, conduct planning, conduct site assessments, develop site-specific cleanup plans, and develop reuse plans related to brownfield sites. Applicants may request funding up to $2,000,000 to address sites contaminated by hazardous substances (i.e., sites with potential contamination of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants) and/or petroleum (i.e., sites with potential petroleum contamination) throughout their jurisdiction. Recipients will be required to assess sites (a minimum of 10) throughout their geographic boundary(ies). All sites selected during the period of performance (i.e., sites that were not identified in the original workplan) must be located in an underserved and/or disadvantaged community.
Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Program
Institute of Museum and Library Services
DUE DATE: November 15, 2024
AWARDS: From $5,000 to $250,000; cost share not required
ELIGIBILITY: a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe, or a Nonprofit Organization that Primarily Serves and Represents Native Hawaiians.
The Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services (NANH) grant program is designed to support Indian Tribes and organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians in sustaining indigenous heritage, culture, and knowledge. The program supports projects such as educational services and programming, workforce professional development, organizational capacity building, community engagement, and collections stewardship. Program Contact: Sarah Glass, Senior Museum Program Officer; sglass@imls.gov; 202-653-4668
Social and Economic Development Strategies – SEDS FORECAST
Department of Health and Human Services
ESTIMATED POST DATE: January 13, 2025
AWARDS: From $100,000 to $900,000,000; match required
ELIGIBILITY: Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
This program is focused on community-driven projects designed to grow local economies, strengthen Native American families, including the preservation of Native American cultures, and decrease the high rate of current challenges caused by the lack of community-based businesses, and social and economic infrastructure in Native American communities. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ana
Social and Economic Development Strategies – SEDS-AK FORECAST
Department of Health and Human Services
ESTIMATED POST DATE: January 13, 2025
AWARDS: From $100,000 to $900,000,000; match required
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants under the SEDS-AK announcement are: Federally-recognized Indian tribes in Alaska, as recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA); Alaska Native villages as defined in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and/or non-profit village consortia; Non-profit Native organizations in Alaska with village-specific projects; Incorporated non-profit multi-purpose community-based Indian organizations (including Urban Indian Organizations as defined by 25 U.S.C. § 1603)(29)); Urban Indian Centers; Native Community Development Financial Institutions (Native CDFIs); Incorporated non-profit Alaska Native multipurpose, community-based organizations; Non-profit Alaska Native Regional Corporations/Associations in Alaska with village-specific projects; or Non-profit Alaska Native community entities or tribal governing bodies (Indian Reorganization Act or Traditional Councils) as recognized by the BIA. If the applicant is not a Federally recognized Alaskan Native tribal government, applicants must provide proof that a majority of the governing board of individuals are representative of the Alaskan Native community to be served. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ana
This program promotes economic and social self-sufficiency for Alaska Natives and is intended to respond to the unique governmental structures and needs in Alaska. The SEDS-AK supports the principle that social and economic development is interrelated and essential for the growth of thriving Native communities. ANA is interested in supporting community-driven projects that build and strengthen core governmental capacity in the areas of administration and project management at the Alaska Native Village level.
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program
Environmental Protection Agency
DEADLINE: Nov. 21, 2024
AWARDS: Track I grants are expected to be $10-$20 million; Track II grants are expected to be $1-$3 million each. No match.
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, applicants must be a partnership between two community-based nonprofit organizations or a partnership between a CBO and one of the following: a federally recognized Tribe, a local government, or an institution of higher education.
The Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant program (Community Change Grants) will fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful implementation. The EPA will consider applications under two separate tracks:
- Track I applications – Community-Driven Investments for Change will focus on multi-faceted applications with Climate Action and Pollution Reduction Strategies to meaningfully improve the environmental, climate, and resilience conditions affecting disadvantaged communities. Awards under Track I are expected to be $10-20 million each and cannot exceed $20 million. Examples of projects include green infrastructure development, Energy- efficient housing, Microgrid installation, disaster preparedness “community resilience hubs,” landfill work, workforce development, and more.
- Track II applications – Meaningful Engagement for Equitable Governance will facilitate the engagement of disadvantaged communities in governmental processes to advance environmental and climate justice. Awards under Track II are expected to be $1-3 million each. Track II applications should focus on breaking down systemic barriers to community participation in government processes impacting environmental and climate justice. This can be done by creating engagement and feedback mechanisms with two-way communications between community members and government decision-makers. Applications should focus on ways to provide disadvantaged communities with information about issues that directly impact them, while simultaneously creating mechanisms for the government to gather input to ensure community needs inform decision-making and are integrated into government processes and policies. (Link to grants.gov synopsis here.)
Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Program for Indian Tribes
State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Home Energy Rebates, U.S. Department of Energy, State and Community Program, Golden Field Office
DEADLINE: Rolling and open until May 31, 2025
AWARDS: Allocated by formula
ELIGIBILITY: Native American tribal governments (both federally recognized and other than federally recognized), non-profits, a consortium of tribes, or a tribally authorized third-party agent
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs has up to $225 million to grant to Tribal governments and Alaska Native entities for Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates. This program will provide up to $14,000 per eligible household for energy efficiency and electrification home upgrades.
Submitting a letter of intent to apply by May 15, 2024 is recommended. To learn more about the program and see a list of allocations, visit https://shorturl.at/mtBLX.
National Fish Passage Program Base Funding Fiscal Year 2024
Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
DEADLINE: Applications may be submitted continuously between March 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024
AWARD: $500-$1,000,000; no match
ELIGIBILITY: Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments), Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), State governments, County governments, institutions of higher education, school districts, others
The National Fish Passage Program (NFPP) is a voluntary program that provides direct technical and financial assistance to partners to remove instream barriers and restore aquatic organism passage and aquatic connectivity for the benefit of Federal trust resources. Activities proposed under this award may include project planning and feasibility studies, engineering and design, permitting, on-the-ground fish passage restoration, near-term implementation monitoring, project outreach, and capacity to manage these project-related activities. (Link to grants.gov synopsis here.)
Species Recovery Grants to Tribes
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration DEADLINE: Oct. 31, 2024
AWARD: $300,000.00; no match
ELIGIBILITY: Federally Recognized Native American tribal governments
This assistance, provided in the form of grants or cooperative agreements, can be used to support the conservation of endangered, threatened, and candidate species or species proposed for listing, as well as post-delisting monitoring of recovered species. Funded activities may include development and implementation of management plans, scientific research, and public education and outreach. Only federally recognized tribes and organizations of federally recognized tribes, such as the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission, that have delegated authority to represent a federally recognized tribe on matters relating to ESA listed, candidate, or proposed species, are eligible to apply.
2025 Landscape Scale Restoration Grant Program for Tribes
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
DEADLINE: Dec. 16, 2024
AWARD: $300,000.00; no match
ELIGIBILITY: Federally Recognized Native American tribal governments
The purpose of the Landscape Scale Restoration competitive grant program is to encourage collaborative, scientific-based restoration of priority rural forest landscapes. This program supports high-impact projects that lead to measurable outcomes on the landscape, leverage public and private resources, and further priorities identified in science-based restoration strategies. Program objectives include reduced wildfire risk, improved fish and wildlife habitats, maintained or improved water quality, and mitigating invasive plants, insects, and diseases. (Link to grants.gov synopsis here.)
Publishing Historical Records Collaborative Digital Editions
National Archives and Records Administration
DEADLINE: Nov. 2, 2024
AWARD: Up to $125,000 with match
ELIGIBILITY: Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), nonprofits, state governments, institutions of higher education, and others.
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals to publish online editions of historical records. All types of historical records are eligible, including documents, photographs, born-digital records, and analog audio. Projects may focus on broad historical movements in U.S. history, including any aspect of African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Native American history, such as law (including the social and cultural history of the law), politics, social reform, business, military, the arts, and other aspects of the national experience. Projects that center the voices and document the history of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color are especially welcomed. (Link here for full list and synopsis.)
Archival Projects
National Archives and Records Administration
DEADLINE: Nov. 7, 2024
AWARDS: Up to $150,000; 25% match required
ELIGIBILITY: Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized only), non-profits, state and local governments, institutions of higher education
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) seeks archival projects that will significantly improve online public discovery and use of historical records collections. We welcome projects that engage the public, expand civic education, and promote understanding of the nation’s history, democracy, and culture from the founding era to the present day. The Commission encourages projects focused on collections of America’s early legal records, such as the records of colonial, territorial, county, and early statehood and tribal proceedings that document the evolution of the nation’s legal history. (Link here for full list and synopsis.)
Other Items of Interest
Weatherization Assistance Program
Alaska Community Development Corporation
Weatherization helps low-to-moderate-income households who own or rent eligible homes: apartments, cabins, condominiums, houses, mobile homes, and multi-family dwellings (duplexes and larger).
Thousands of qualified Alaskans have received free home weatherization to bring their homes up to safe, healthy, and energy-efficient standards. Weatherization adds years of life to buildings in Alaska’s harsh arctic climate. It also benefits energy conservation, saving homeowners on their previous heating bills. The Weatherization Assistance Program is available to renters and homeowners throughout the state. A home may be weatherized once every 15 years.
Alaska CDC accepts applications year-round. However, there always is a wait list, as most work is done during the construction season. Applying early may help expedite the process.
file:///G:/Tribal%20Grants%202018- 23/Prospects/Alaska%20weatherization%20program%20grant%20from%20AKCDC.pdf
Tribal Tourism Grant Program
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
DEADLINE: October 25, 2024
AWARDS: Up to $150,000; No match
ELIGIBILITY: Native American Tribal Organizations (Other than Federally recognized Tribal Governments), Native American Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized)
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed to provide financial assistance to Tribal communities to create, rebuild or strengthen their tourism industry. This competitive discretionary grant program is authorized under the NATIVE Act (25 U.S.C. 4354(b)) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (PL 118-42). The NATIVE Act authorizes the head of an agency with assets or resources relating to travel, recreation, tourism promotion or branding enhancement for which Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, or Native Hawaiian organizations may be used: (1) to support the efforts of Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, and Native Hawaiian organizations to tell the story of Native Americans as the First Peoples of the United States; (2) to use the arts and humanities to help revitalize Native communities, promote economic development, increase livability and present the uniqueness of the United States to visitors in a way that celebrates the diversity of the United States; and to carry out 25 U.S.C. 4354. (Link here for full list and synopsis.)
Tribal Tourism Grant Program
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
DEADLINE: October 25, 2024
AWARDS: Up to $150,000; No match
ELIGIBILITY: Native American Tribal Organizations (Other than Federally recognized Tribal Governments), Native American Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized)
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed to provide financial assistance to Tribal communities to create, rebuild or strengthen their tourism industry. This competitive discretionary grant program is authorized under the NATIVE Act (25 U.S.C. 4354(b)) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (PL 118-42). The NATIVE Act authorizes the head of an agency with assets or resources relating to travel, recreation, tourism promotion or branding enhancement for which Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, or Native Hawaiian organizations may be used: (1) to support the efforts of Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, and Native Hawaiian organizations to tell the story of Native Americans as the First Peoples of the United States; (2) to use the arts and humanities to help revitalize Native communities, promote economic development, increase livability and present the uniqueness of the United States to visitors in a way that celebrates the diversity of the United States; and to carry out 25 U.S.C. 4354. (Link here for full list and synopsis.)
The Money Monday newsletter is a weekly publication by the Chugachmiut Grants Department that highlights funding opportunities that may be relevant to tribes in the Chugach Region. Subscribe by contacting us at grants@chugachmiut.org. You can also download the newsletter at chugachmiut.org or check out our Facebook page.