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Kilann Tanape keeps going

Kilann Tanape keeps going - July 21, 2013

Kilann Tanape of Nanwalek

Kilann Tanape of Nanwalek

Kilann Tanape of Nanwalek ran this summer’s Mayor’s Midnight Sun Marathon in Anchorage. Her first full marathon, Kilann completed the 26.6 miles in 6 hours and 20 minutes.

In March of 2012 Kilann started working out with a home DVD program. She enjoyed it and stuck with it. She soon started training for the Mayor’s Marathon after a friend asker her to run it. That summer she ran the half marathon and then a 5K race for Breast Cancer in Homer.

Kilann has not looked back since. She continues to challenge herself with both cardio and strength training. She pays attention to her diet, eating a healthy breakfast and small meals throughout the day.

KiIann started working for Head Start in Nanwalek in 1999. She has been a teacher for the program since August 2008. 

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

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