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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Request for Services Policy

Request for Services Policy - March 1, 2014

Chugachmiut often receives requests for support, sponsorship, promotion and/or assistance for various activities. In accordance with a Chugachmiut Board of Director policy, requests must be made through the tribal council and benefit the entire community. Chugachmiut is unable to honor requests from individuals or team sponsorships, religious organizations, or requests from labor, social or political groups.

Financial support is limited annually to $2,000 for each of the following communities: Chenega, Nanwalek, Port Graham, Tatitlek and Seward (Qutekcak). In addition, we are limited to $500 annually each for Native Village of Eyak and Valdez Native Tribe.

If you have an event or group you think would benefit from Chugachmiut support, please contact your local tribal council. The council will consider the request and, at its discretion, submit the request to Chugachmiut.

You may request a copy of the entire policy by contracting Chugachmiut at 1-800-478-4155. 

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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