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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Qutekcak Youth Coalition Meeting

Qutekcak Native Tribe 221 3rd Ave, Seward, AK, United States

Meet at Qutekcak Native Tribe on June 23rd at 5 pm for presentation and fishing at First Lake. You can grab yourself a new fishing pole after presentation. If you […]

Scholarship Deadline

Scholarship applications for the Fall 2021 semester are due on June 30th. Click the link to download an application: Application for Services. Questions can be directed to Donna at (907)-562-4155.

Laugh & Learn


Join us Wednesday, June 30th, at 2 pm, for our next presentation of Laugh and Learn. Giovanna Atkins is presenting this week's presentation about Codependency. Join us on Zoom by […]


Chugachmiut will remain closed on Monday, July 5, 2021, in observance of Independence Day.

Nanwalek Dental Clinic

Nanwalek Clinic 1 Maqiq St, Nanwalek, AK, United States

Nanwalek Dental Clinic is happening July 12th - 16th! Give the clinic a call at 907-281-2250 to make an appointment.

Laugh & Learn


Join us Wednesday, July 14th, at 2 pm, for our next presentation of Laugh and Learn.

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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