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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Laugh & Learn on Stress Free Holidays

Cama'i! Join us for our virtual Laugh & Learn on Wednesday, December 6 at 2 pm. Spend an hour with Sandy Kleven, Clinical Director. What makes the holiday season so […]

Scholarship Application Deadline

Cama'i! Chugachmiut’s Higher Education Scholarship application deadline is approaching. Download the Applications for Services application below and fill out the “Higher Education Scholarship” section. Then email it to 477applications@chugachmiut.org. Applications […]

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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