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Chugachmiut Realty News

Chugachmiut Realty News - March 1, 2014

The Realty Program is reviewing and organizing its records and files for allotment and townsite owners in the Chugach Region. We recently sent out a “Land Status Letter” with a Landowner Contact Information form. This included a self-addressed, stamped envelope to return the form at no cost. Several people have called regarding this form, wondering why we are asking for such personal information.

Having this information will not only help us, it will protect personal and land information from being released to someone other than the owner. This will allow us to correctly identify the inquirer over the phone or by mail, ensuring that only the correct person receives the information.

For many restricted properties, the original landowner passed away and the heirs (which may be several) or their heirs are now the owners of this land or owners of multiple restricted properties. Very complex situations arise when certain lands are owned by multiple descendants two generations removed from the original owners. In many cases a person can have a small percentage ownership in multiple properties passed down from grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and other family members.

When a project is proposed on a piece of property, some allotments and/or townsite lots require our office to contact up to 50 heirs. These heirs must approve projects on their properties, some of which can result in payment to the land owners. Without current information we have no way of contacting all owners of a property and projects can be delayed or stopped.

These “Land Status Letters” were sent out to the address this office had on file for each landowner. Some were returned by the Post Office because of wrong or insufficient addresses. 

Here is a list of people we need current addresses for:

  • Anahonak, Matthew
  • Anderson, Linda Sue
  • Anthony, Ethel
  • Bayou, Paula
  • Broughton, Ronald
  • Carlough, Jennie
  • Hall, April Dawn
  • Kvasnikoff, Marthaann
  • Meganack, Vera
  • Mumchuck, Charles
  • Mumchuck, Nancy
  • Moonin, Apollo
  • Wallin, Roger Jr.

Also, this office recently received a list of missing landowners from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Special Trustee (OST). The OST holds funds that are generated from restricted property. Some of these people are not landowners on allotments and townsite lots managed by Chugachmiut, but BIA supplied the list because they have a BIA enrollment number with the Chugach Region prefix. The following people need to contact Glenda Miller at OST at 907-271-1610 or email Glenda_Miller@ost.doi.gov. You can also reach her assistant, Tammy Buffone, at 907-271-1685, or email Tammy_Buffone@ost.doi.gov. 

  • Andrulli, Karen Sue
  • Broughton, Mervin R.
  • Evans, Ann Nadia
  • Flood, Jennifer
  • Fomin, Raymond
  • Gottschalk, Jay P.
  • Gottschalk, Leona
  • Hall, April Dawn
  • Jenson, Devona
  • Kvasnikoff, Marthaann
  • Larson, Elsie J.
  • Meganack, Annie Marie
  • Meganack, Cheryl Lee
  • Meganack, Evelyn
  • Meganack, Laura
  • Meganack Seraphim
  • Olsen, Marvin
  • Painter, Darrel W.
  • Polaretzki, Stella Mildred
  • Robart, Gerald
  • Stettinger, Dominic J.
  • Tanape, Annette Faye
  • Tanape, Ralph Jay 
  • Tanape, Travis C.
  • Ukatish Leslie
  • Wallin, Roger Ivan
  • Wilson, James Diamond 

We realize that some people listed may have passed on; please accept our sincere condolences and let our office know if that is the case.

Please be aware that whether someone is a landowner or not, our office must be notified when that person passes away. If they are a potential heir to a property, their probate will be held on file. When the landowner passes away, the probate will be added to the landowner’s probate. Our records need to be as current as possible so any surviving heirs can be informed of their rights.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Chugachmiut Realty office at 1-800-478-4155, extension 122, or directly at 907-334 -0122. Or email wandak@chugachmiut.org.


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Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

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