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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Chugachmiut Nupuat Newsletter – Summer 2024 Edition

Chugachmiut Nupuat Newsletter – Summer 2024 Edition - June 20, 2024

Chugachmiut’s Nupuat Newsletter Summer Edition is available!

Topics in the Nupuat Newsletter

  • Career Opportunities
  • Chugachmiut’s 50th Anniversary
  • Traditional Sugpiaq Headdresses
  • Building Resilience with Badminton
  • Chugach Region Language Summit
  • Firefighting Season Begins
  • Construction Project Management Module
  • Housing Improvement Program
  • Chenega Events
  • Head Start Graduation
  • Chugach Region Teams at NYO
  • Drone Training
  • ACE Summer Events
  • Health Services Division News
  • Food Sovereignty & Food Security
  • Nunaka Wins EdTech Award
  • Chugach Regional Writers
  • Kilann Tanape – Scholarship Highlight
  • Paluwik Basket Weaving
  • Employee Spotlight – Kimberly Miles
  • Llangcarwik Recovery Camp

📸About the Cover: The Chugach Region Language Summit was held recently. Pictured (not in order) are Kalunka Angelina Roehl, Teglunaliq Shyla West, Nancy Pulliam, Holly West, Jocelyn Joseph, Rhozalita Moonin, Danaya Hoover, Nangneq Mark Hiratsuka, Apamia Ephimia Kvasnikoff, Fran Norman, Daniel Anahonak, Luba Anahonak, Gertrude Valenza, Thelma Vlasoff, Diane Selanoff, Patrick Selanoff, Collette Brantingham, Atakaa Rhoda Moonin, Lillian Elvsaas, John Moonin, Inée Slaughter, Doris Kompkoff, and Paul McDonough.

Nupuat is a quarterly publication of Chugachmiut, the tribal not-for-profit organization serving the Alaska Native peoples of the Chugach Region. If you need to update your mailing address, please email us at media@chugachmiut.org.

View previous editions here.

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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