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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Money Monday Newsletter!

Money Monday Newsletter! - September 11, 2023

Check out this week’s Money Monday Funding Opportunities newsletter from Chugachmiut Grant department for September 11, 2023 (Tuesday release with the holiday)! Get a snapshot of the latest available grant

Student Archivist After-School Program - September 6, 2023

Cama’i! Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation Archive will be hosting a virtual “Student Archivist” after-school program starting in October. Students will be able to attend weekly interactive zoom classes where we will

Money Monday Newsletter! - September 5, 2023

Check out this week’s Money Monday Funding Opportunities newsletter from Chugachmiut Grant department for September 5, 2023 (Tuesday release with the holiday)! Get a snapshot of the latest available grant

Money Monday Newsletter! - August 28, 2023

Check out this week’s Money Monday Funding Opportunities newsletter from Chugachmiut Grant department for August 28, 2023! Get a snapshot of the latest available grant opportunities. If you see a

Money Monday Newsletter! - August 22, 2023

Check out this week’s Money Monday Funding Opportunities newsletter from Chugachmiut Grant department for August 21, 2023! Get a snapshot of the latest available grant opportunities. If you see a

Money Monday Newsletter! - August 14, 2023

Check out this week’s Money Monday Funding Opportunities newsletter from Chugachmiut Grant department for August 14, 2023! Get a snapshot of the latest available grant opportunities. If you see a

Chugachmiut Housing Improvement Program – Application Open 2024 -

Applications are open for the Chugachmiut Housing Improvement Program (HIP), funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). The HIP is a need-based program that can help repair or renovate

Money Monday Newsletter! - August 7, 2023

Check out this week’s Money Monday Funding Opportunities newsletter from Chugachmiut Grant department for August 7, 2023! Get a snapshot of the latest available grant opportunities. If you see a

Money Monday Newsletter! - July 31, 2023

Check out this week’s Money Monday Funding Opportunities newsletter from Chugachmiut Grant department for July 31, 2023! Get a snapshot of the latest available grant opportunities. If you see a

Chugachmiut Nupuat Newsletter – Summer 2023 Edition -

Chugachmiut’s Nupuat Newsletter Summer Edition is available! Topics in the Nupuat Newsletter – Summer Edition 📸About the Cover: Chugachmiut board members Larry Evanoff, Vice Chair, Fran Norman, Chair, and Arne
Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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