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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Crisis Line

Crisis Line - August 21, 2018

Behavioral Health Crisis Line, available 24/7 1-844-891-0444 Domestic Violence Hotline

2016 Chugachmiut Annual Report - August 1, 2017

To view the 2016 Chugachmiut Annual Report, click the link below 2016 Annual

Behavioral Health Retreat in Port Graham - May 28, 2014

Behavioral Health department will hold a Working Retreat in Port Graham, June 22-25. Staff will be in town with a hypnotherapist to offer a sampling of services and provide information on

From a Former Smoker - May 27, 2014

I can’t believe it, it will be 10 years tomorrow since I smoked cigarettes. When I smoked, I smoked because I loved it, but I also hated it. I loved

Tania McMullen Named Shining Star - May 19, 2014

Congratulations Tania McMullen, CHA III from Port Graham,  on her 2014 Shining Star Award. The Alaska CHA Program gives the award annually for health aides and practitioners who “embody the

Native Youth Olympics -

All seven Chugach communities sent teams to the Native Youth Olympic games April 24-26. The games feature teams from throughout Alaska and are hosted by Cook Inlet Tribal Council. Athletes practice

Provider Spotlight - May 18, 2014

Cynthia Langmade, PA-C, was born and raised in Southern California. She graduated from high school in 1968. In 1972 she enlisted into the US Navy and served until 1976. Upon

North Star Welcomes Physician’s Assistant - March 1, 2014

The Chugachmiut Health Services Division recently welcomed physician’s assistant David Norcross, PA-C, to its Seward staff. David was born and raised on the White Earth Reservation in northern Minnesota. He

Affordable Care Act and Implications for Alaska Natives -

As of January 2014, according to the federal Affordable Care Act, individuals must have health coverage or may be liable to pay a tax penalty. In some cases, American Indians

Chugachmiut Realty News -

The Realty Program is reviewing and organizing its records and files for allotment and townsite owners in the Chugach Region. We recently sent out a “Land Status Letter” with a
Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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