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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Accessing Choices in Education (ACE) Application

Accessing Choices in Education (ACE) Application - May 24, 2024

Chugachmiut’s ACE program serves Native youth living in the Chugach region, including the communities of Seward, Cordova, Valdez, Nanwalek, Port Graham, Tatitlek, and Chenega in grades K-12 who are enrolled in either public school, homeschool or private school. Our program works to provide funding support to these youth to be able to access educational opportunities that they may not normally be able to find. This includes various types of services such as school supplies, tutoring, SAT/ACT prep, vocational education, culture/language camps or classes, dual enrollment in universities, and fees for summer camps.

About Accessing Choices in Education services for Chugachmiut Supported Communities

Litnaurwik-A Place of Learning

  • Ilakuiluku-Sharing
  • Suliklluku-Cultural Pride
  • Pekiulleteng -Cooperation
  • Ling’ayugluni-Respect
  • Nupugneq-Language
  • Litnauwiluni-Teaching

ACE Enrollment for Educational Opportunities

  • Be an enrolled member of a Tribe or be an Alaska Native/American Indian living within the Chugachmiut service Area
  • Registered in grades Head Start to 12th grade
  • Enrolled in an educational program within the Chugachmiut service area (School District, homeschool, charter school)

Complete a Chugachmiut Accessing in Choices in Education (ACE) application (below). Submit a copy of your BIA Certificate, Tribal enrollment card, or any Tribal affiliation documentation. Note: If enrolling in a formal education program (college class, vo-tech), submit a FERPA release of information form naming Chugachmiut as the recipient of our educational records.  (This is sent from the program you are enrolled in.)

Students and Caregivers from Chugachmiut supported communities.

  • Tutoring is available through Sylvan Learning Center, Frontier Tutoring, or North Star Tutors
  • School Supplies
  • Cultural Workshops
  • Language Classes
  • College Classes
  • Vocational Training
  • Other, for example from Chugachmiut Youth Summit, Village Cultural Camps, and Maskalataaq

Service Providers

Providing educational opportunities for students who live in the Chugachmiut Supported Region, which includes Chenega, Cordova, Nanwalek, Port Graham, Seward, Tatitlek, and Valdez, to help them meet their educational needs.

Some students may be interested in cultural/traditional activities, language classes (Sugt’stun, Eyak, and Yup’ik), wellness, life skills (cooking, leadership development), camps (music, art, cultural, etc.), career/college prep, college classes, art classes (sewing, master artist workshop), and subsistence.

Interested in learning more about enrollment or applying to become a service provider?  For more information, contact:
Chugachmiut, Heritage Preservation Program, Accessing Choices in Education (ACE) Program
Angelina “Kalunka” Roehl, Chugachmiut, ACE Program Manager
Email: ACE@Chugachmiut.org
Phone number: (907) 334-0119
Toll free number: (800) 478-4155, extension 119
Toll free Fax number: (800) 793-2891 for ACE Program

Apply with this fillable form by downloading it to your computer or device.

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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