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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Chugachmiut Nupuat Newsletter – Fall 2023 Edition

Chugachmiut Nupuat Newsletter – Fall 2023 Edition - September 26, 2023

Chugachmiut’s Nupuat Newsletter Fall Edition is available!

Topics in the Nupuat Newsletter – Fall Edition

  • Career Opportunities
  • Youth Summer Camps
  • Traditional Qayaq Dedication Ceremony
  • Chugachmiut Heritage Archive Opportunity
  • Chugachmiut Birth to 5 Head Start Program
  • Chugachmiut Scholarship Opportunity
  • Housing Improvement Program
  • Poem – “No Name Mountains” by Gail Evanoff
  • Health Services Division News
  • Employee Spotlights – Brent S. Harmon and Sheila Lowe
  • Christmas Card Design Contest

📸About the Cover: Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation hosted summer camps with Accessing Choices in Education (ACE), a program that allows us to provide educational opportunities for students in our communities that are Alaska Native to meet their educational goals. The Chugachmiut Youth Summit was held in July in Anchorage where 12 youth experienced and practiced Sugpiaq language, traditional culture through Elders, recognized experts, through games, crafts, media, models, art, sea life, and plants. Here they are visiting the Alaska Native Heritage Center. Front row (left to right): Damian George, Rhoda Moonin, Ephimia Moonin-Wilson, Emma Tanape, and Imya Hernandez. 2nd row (left to right): Benjamin Kvasnikoff, Kenji Simmons, Julianne Michener, and Trinity Vlasoff. 3rd row (left to right): Mackinley Greene, Kayonte Simmons, Ashton Meganack, Trinity Vlasoff, Juanita Wood, Bella Velez, and Nancy Yeaton. Back row (far right): Iverson Moonin.

Nupuat is a quarterly publication of Chugachmiut, the tribal not-for-profit organization serving the Alaska Native peoples of the Chugach Region. If you need to update your mailing address, please email us at media@chugachmiut.org.

View previous editions here.

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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