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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region

Heritage Preservation

Litnaurwik Department of Education

Litnaurwik, Sugt’stun for “a place of learning,” is Chugachmiut’s newly formed Department of Education. Our mission is to build a self-determined, culturally rooted education system that honors the wisdom of our ancestors and the ways we have always taught our children. We aim to create spaces reflecting our cultural identity and the right way to purposefully give our children the power to teach the next generation. In part, this includes advancing the understanding of Sugpiaq and Eyak culture, with a focus on preserving and teaching the Sugt’stun and dAXunhyuu (Eyak) language.

Paul Paasaa McDonogh is the Chugachmiut Education Director and can be reached by email at paul@chugachmiut.org and by phone at (907) 562-4155.

Below are updates on our committees, summits, and Elders Collaboration Group. If you are interested in participating, please review the information below or contact your Tribal Council.

Tribal Education Committee (TEC)

Mission: The TEC promotes tribal education self-determination for Sugpiaq communities by ensuring that community needs and voices guide educational decisions. Each Tribal community is represented, working together to develop culturally relevant programs and policies. The Education Committee will officially form in the summer of 2025. Until then, a current Planning Team is working to develop the structure. The Planning Team is comprised of the following members: Chief Bill Smith, Diane Selanoff, Lillian Elvsaas, Brandon Moonin, Shyla West, and Sperry Ash, along with Dr. Heather Sauyaq Jean Gordon as the policy analyst for the Planning Team.

How to Get Involved: Tribes are responsible for selecting committee members. If you are interested in serving on the committee, we encourage you to contact your Tribal Council. For more information, you can also reach out to us at education@chugachmiut.org.

Elders Council

The Elders Council will play a key role in overseeing our curriculum development, cultural heritage studies, and archival projects. This committee will ensure that Sugpiaq and dAXunhyuu (Eyak) culture and languages are honored and preserved.

Current Status: The council is not yet meeting. Announcements will be shared with Tribal Councils when Elder involvement opportunities arise. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to your Tribal Council.

Language Summit

We are excited to continue our efforts to promote the Sugt’stun and dAXunhyuu (Eyak) language through our annual Language Summit.

Upcoming Report: The 2024 Language Summit Report will be available soon.

2025 Summit Dates: Stay tuned for the announcement of next year’s Language Summit.

How to Get Involved: Attendance at the Language Summit is currently by invitation from the Tribal Councils. We will keep this page updated as plans develop.

Elders Collaboration Group
Our Elders Collaboration Group is an informal yet essential part of our efforts. While not a formal planning or oversight team, we value the contributions of Elders and welcome their participation in various cultural and community projects.

Past Gatherings: We honor past Elder gatherings, such as those with the National Park Service and other recent events. If you are interested in being part of future events, please email education@chugachmiut.org to be placed on our active list of participating Elders. We look forward to your involvement!

Contact Us
For more information about any of these committees or how to get involved, please contact:

Paul Paasaa McDonogh
Department of Education Director 
(907) 562-4155
Haley Hakala Burnett
Department of Education Manager 
(907) 334-0172

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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